
and living

at the intersections

of self discovery,


and the paradoxes of being human.



in case we haven’t met before, nice to meet you and welcome! my name is steph (she/her) and i’m delighted our paths have crossed.

i am, first and foremost, a whole human. one who is constantly learning how to find her own way– both in my inner and the outer world.

i believe we’re all ever changing beings. and, if i were to try and define myself right now it would be as a student, a writer, and trail lover.

student, because i am devoted to learning. about myself, things i care about, the people i love, and the world. to the truth.

writer, because it’s how i express myself and make sense of the seasons i’m in.

trail lover, because time spent in nature, whether it’s by moving my body (hiking, backpacking, trail running) or simply sitting under a tree, makes me want live– more.

head on over to the about page to learn a bit more about this space and myself.

thank you for being here, and sharing some of your attention with me and the art i make. it means the world.